AIDS Anarchive

Annotated by Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga



San Sebastian: Tabakalera and Donostia / San Sebastian European Capitalof Culture


Equipo re


This research undertaken by the collective Equipo re looks at the AIDS crisis not just as a medical epidemic, but as a radical visual, affective and economic paradigm shift that went hand in hand with the consolidation of the neoliberal regime and the process of globalisation. Through exhibition, events and this publication it compiles and activates by means of a rich archive of cultural production in relation to HIV originated outside of the hegemonic geo-political sphere (USA and Central Europe). From a natural–cultural perspective the project explores the mediascape of fear (of contact and contagion), the cultural dimension of death or the discourse on health and the sick body that were solidly articulated during those years and which are violently re-erupting today.

Julia Morandeira Arrizabalaga

Disease reveals the disjunction between an autonomous body and the mind as a place from which you relate your body with the social sphere and yourself, where the, let’s call it, internal body causes itself to disfunction, altering its processes without acknowledging them.