The selected artists for the 8th Festival de Performance de Cali

After an intense jury session that kept Helena Producciones – recipient of the first visible award – and the festival adjunct curators Matteo Lucchetti and Judith Wielander, busy in choosing among some 300 applications received from all over the world, the Colombian collective has released the final list, featuring the 23 projects that made it to the 8th Festival de Performance de Cali. The open call attracted proposals from the whole of South America, and triggered the participation of artists from Europe and the United States, confirming the international interest that the Festival has obtained over its 15 years of existence. After a break of four years, a new edition is being put together, thanks to the production award received from visible, that acknowledges the value of such a collective and multifaceted project that the Festival is.

The Festival, that will take place from the 20th to the 24th of November, will support the production of the selected performances, as well as activating a series of other projects, that include commissioned performances, solo and group exhibitions, workshops, panel discussions, concerts, a travelling school and much more. A new press release revealing the program of the festival in more detail, will be soon released, announcing all the other names of the participants and the contents of the other activities.

During the several editions of the festival, many artists have had the chance to produce incredible performative pieces, that later circulated in biennials and other prestigious art venues. Artists such as Phil Collins, Santiago Sierra or Federico Guzmán, to name a few, have made their appearance on the list of participating artists in the past, and we’re now happy to announce the initial list that will compose the program of the 8th Festival de Performance de Cali:
- Ana María Rosero, Arley Candamil – Anyna, and Jiacomo Turrack, La Danza del Vicio Horror y Éxtasis. Colombia
- Andres Matute Echeverri and Liliana Vélez Jaramillo, Matrimonio. Colombia
- Arnulfo Medina Carreño, Manualidades Éticas. Colombia
- Claudia Claremi and Christian Fernández Mirón, Contra fortuna no vale arte. Spain
- Colectivo Sonido/Vision (Francisco Javier Lozada Méndez, Jorge Hernán Rosero Marín, Eduardo Garcés),Convulxion en las Calles. Colombia
- Colectivo Zunga (Karla Moreno, Ana Maria Villate, Lorena Morris, Maria Natalia Avila), A lo hecho pecho. Colombia
- Elkin Calderon and Johanna Marín, Un ratico “Kiss Me Motel / Performance Room”, Colombia.
- Ericka Florez, El Blanco Móvil. Colombia
- Esther Planas, Escuela de Calor. Spain/England
- Joaquin Luzoro, Clásico Vallecaucano. Chile/Germany
- Alvaro Herrera, Como un Rayo #3. Colombia
- Société Réaliste (Ferenc Gróf, Jean-Baptiste Naudy), Universal Anthem. France
- Antropotronica (Juan Melo, Jorge Barrero de Precarius Tecnologicus, Marcel Narvaez de Casamata), Kundur. Colombia
- Juanpablo Ordoñez V., Déjà Vu. Ecuador
- Julian Mateo Gomez Diaz, Politesis impresa. Colombia
- Miguel Kuan Bahamón, Los Chirris Chirrean. Colombia
- Julio N. Giraldo Diaz, Flirt Manifiesto. Colombia
- Luis Mondragón, Oasis (Untitled Event). Colombia
- Luisa Ungar, Alberto Baraya and Jonathan Hernández, Visita el Zoológico con visita guiada y selección musical aviaria. Colombia/Mexico
- María O. Schneider Canedo, Accionar Bolivia. Una mirada al performance boliviano. Bolivia
- Glenda Torrado Rodríguez and Matilde Helena Guerrero Gutiérrez de Piñeres, Coqueta. Colombia
- Renan Araujo, Técnicas de Desaparecimiento. Brazil
- Reinel Aicardo Arango Muñoz, Sin-sentido. Colombia

Save the date and keep on checking our blog and facebook page to receive previews of the new exciting festival de performance de Cali by Helena Producciones.