September 13, 2023

First CLIMAVORE Assembly in Rome

28 and 29 October 2023

For the first time in Italy, the international assembly that brings together farmers and growers, artists, chefs, cooperatives, hospitality businesses, researchers, cultural thinkers, environmentalists, policymakers, and custodians of living seeds to imagine how cultural institutions can help lay the groundwork for food justice and stem the climate crisis.


Saturday, October 28, 2023, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Museum of Civilizations, Rome

Sunday, October 29, 2023, 9.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Aula Giulio Cesare, Campidoglio, Roma

Free admission with reservation required at this link
Download the press release here

Saturday, October 28th and Sunday, October 29th will see the first edition of the CLIMAVORE Assembly, a project initiated in 2015 by CLIMAVORE, a research platform working to imagine regenerative diets and new food infrastructures by connecting artistic, cultural and agricultural spaces and developing research, pedagogical programs, curatorial operations and cooking apprenticeships that make possible a transformation of the food industry’s impact on climate and the environment.

Initiated by Cooking SectionsCLIMAVORE is a research platform that questions how we eat as humans change climate and works to imagine regenerative diets and food infrastructure for new seasons born out of human impact on the environment.

The CLIMAVORE Assembly brings together farmers and growers, artists, chefs, cooperatives, hospitality businesses, researchers, cultural thinkers, environmentalists, policymakers, and live seed custodians involved in reimagining the role of museums and cultural institutions as agents of transformation of food and agricultural systems in the context of the climate crisis.